Sunday 14 July 2013

It’s hot hot hot

Boy is it hot - I do enjoy the warm weather but when the temperature rises above 25 it starts not to be much fun, sleeping becomes a problem and everything becomes an effort.
The car temperature registered 30.5 yesterday, thankfully it has aircon.
We decided that we would go out and have a short walk – armed with bottles of water we set off.  It’s a walk we have done before from Shoreham towards Eynsford – needless to say we didn’t get to Eynsford on foot – we turned back after a mile it was just far too hot.  OK we set off at 1pm which wasn’t the most sensible time.
The scenery was just beautiful – when the sun is shining there is no place like this little Island we call Home.

The lavender farm with its purple pillows of lavender

In the distance we could see a red field of poppies

The views were spectacular but it was far too warm
MummyHen X


  1. Pillows of lavender, now that's a wonderful way to fall asleep.

  2. I love the pic of the lavender!!
    This weekend was too hot to do anything energetic!!

  3. I agree, far too hot, I haven't done much walking recently because of it.

    Those photos are beautiful.

    Sft x
