Sunday, 6 January 2013

A quiet and silent start to 2013

For some the start to the year brought an added bonus – MummyHen without a voice??!!
I’m usually never short of anything to say but I have had laryngitis – so being without a voice has been difficult; when I have been able to speak I either sounded like I’d been on the smokes or was about to start a new career as voice over artist specialising in deep husky female voice.  I now have a little voice but this coming week is full of meetings so it will take a hammering – fingers crossed I don’t take a step back.

The doctor said ‘rest your voice’ that not that easy; but I have been trying not to speak unless it was necessary.  So it was an ideal time to sort thru stuff, the same stuff that I mentioned in my previous post.  We have loads of stuff; DaddyHen says I am a hoarder but I’m not; I keep things which are either of use, of sentimental value, or have value which pretty much is anything.  There aren’t acres of space in the Hen house to keep all this stuff so some of it has to go.  My yarn stash could rival Mont Blanc; tower of magazines (crafty and poultry) is colossal, fabric collected for projects – not sure which project is huge.  At one point I collected silver spoons and butter knives (no longer) I came across this box last week; as with some of the other stuff they will be photographed and put on ebay but not just yet.  I think I will wait until people have got over Christmas and with January being a 5 week months it’s a long time until pay day.
I emptied my purse into my pot for my Sealed Pot Challenge; not even £1.  I have not needed to spend any cash so have not drawn any cash out so my purse as shrapnel free.  DaddyHen had a £2 in his change this week which was added. Many blogs talk about counting NSD (No Spend Days) well in this house I count spending days – much easier to count the days when we spend – as there are so few of them.
Didn’t go anywhere yesterday, SonnyHen and GF went away for the weekend – his birthday treat; so DaddyHen and I just spent a day pottering me clearing out stuff, watching films and crocheting.  I have now done 500 squares of my blanket which is about halfway - more hooky time to come.

MummyHen X


  1. Your blanket is looking good - get yourself well soon.
    Love from Mum

  2. Hi, I've just had a volunteer to continue the Bloggy Blanket, it's juliab from Peacock Blue blog. I'll reply to her comment and ask her to get in touch with you through your blog. I can't seem to find an email address for either of you at the moment. Yippee!
    Love from Mum

  3. Hi, I've done a post on the Bloggy Blanket and Juilab has said that she is interested in doing some squares. I'll ask her to get in touch with you.
    Love from Mum
